The What We Have in Common Project

Exploring What Is Common To Us All



Welcome to the What We Have In Common Project

“Know Thyself”


This website is a journey within humanity. It’s about what makes us tick. Travel with us to learn more about our shared attributes—and quirks.


Earth is our home. It glitters like the finest jewel—the only place we know of that is so special:


What WWHiC is about

The aim of the What We Have In Common project is to assist in promoting understanding of our common traits. There are sections on what characteristics we are born with (Our Givens), what we learn over the course of our lifetimes, how our minds work, and sections on current environmental influences such as EMF’s, and pollution. The site covers issues we face in everyday life, work, religion, and other important areas of our lives.

Its function is to promote thought and change on several levels. It accomplishes this primarily by the use of videos with accompanying text.

At the heart of our heritage is one of Nature’s gifts to us—neuronal plasticity. Neuroscience discovered that throughout our lives, our brains can mold themselves into almost any new configuration. Professor Ian Robertson in his book: “Mind Sculpture: Unlocking Your Brain’s Untapped Potential” was one of the first to show that when we learn something new, the neurons in our brains form more and different connections, enabling new learning to become embedded in the brain and mind.

Neurons reach out to other neurons as we learn. We have to initiate the learning process before the connections can start to form. Learning (and thus neuronal growth) are brought about by an act of will.

Whatever we learn over a period of time becomes hard-wired into our brains and minds. While many embedded traits are helpful, some are not, making it more difficult to change our point of view, or even our world outlook. However, helpful or unhelpful patterns can be encouraged, or altered—if there is the desire to do so.

This site is very much a mixed bag. After all, though we are all individuals, and thus special in our own right, it is about what we have in common.

I wish you happy browsing, and may your brain and mind develop to realize your full untapped potential.


A step along the way is to Know Thyself:


The video below helps to explain what the What We Have In Common Project is about. In part, it is about having empathy for those others who travel with us in this sojourn through life. All of us can learn to be more empathic. If we as the human race are not to become extinct, this is an essential characteristic.


The Six Habits of Empathic People:


This short animation entitled “Man” by Steve Cutts is his concept of how far the human race has deviated from its intended course.


“Man” by Steve Cutts:


While it is debatable as to our true origins, we certainly know that a substantial portion of our history originated in Africa:


Our True Origins:

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