The What We Have in Common Project

Exploring What Is Common To Us All

War and Peace

Aggression, Conflict, War and Peace…

Views on Warmongering – and peace making too.


Here is a link to a series of eight videos from TED called “The road to peace.” It ranges in concept from teaching in the classroom, to rebuilding broken Nations, and world peace.

The first video below called “Genocide: Worse Than War” from PBS in the USA claims that genocide has taken more lives in the 20th Century than war.

The film is an interesting and unprecedented journey of insight and analysis. Highly cinematic and evocative throughout, Goldhagen speaks with many people caught up in conflicts, with the purpose of explaining and understanding the critical features of genocide and how to end it:


This is a long documentary by Falling Dominoes Productions of approximately 2 hours 40 minutes. It is a comprehensive video outlining various views on warmongering. However, the main purpose of the program is to encourage peace. It does contain some strong language in places. Some views expressed are not my own, but makes food for thought:

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